Netflix's Carmen Sandiego


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I was a fan of the original show, so I checked out this one, which is a different take on the classic series and overall a really great and fun watch. Netflix's take was nice, but something more done on the classic would have been better.

Anyone here see this? I recommend it.
I remember hearing about it years ago, but I didn't know it actually got made. I'm a little torn from the trailer. If it's like a prequel like an origin story, then that could be cool, but it seems like they turned her into like an anti-hero. If I ever need something to watch I might check it out. It doesn't seem that bad.
Neat! I will have to tune in!I love the show as a kid. I recall playing the CD Rom game as well. That show exposed me to a lot of history.
I remember hearing about it years ago, but I didn't know it actually got made. I'm a little torn from the trailer. If it's like a prequel like an origin story, then that could be cool, but it seems like they turned her into like an anti-hero. If I ever need something to watch I might check it out. It doesn't seem that bad.

It is a prequel, but not into what the old show was about.
It's my first time hearing about the TV series on Netflix's platform. I am not a fan of watching movies, I engage more on playing video games than watching TV series. But I wouldn't the fact, that the trailer of this Netflix's TV show is nice.