Never work at a store that does inventory


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That is my pro life tip to all those reading this topic right now.
Well, I suppose we shouldn't do that, if possible.
They will have lots of goods and it would be a pain to keep track of them
haha, I used to do this on a monthly basis at an old job I used to work at. It was tedious, but then again, it helped me get paid for the things I enjoy the most (buying games. haha)

The job I used to work at required inventory every month. Towards the end of the month, counts would be off by a couple digits and my manager would require the employees to recount each time... Someone in my team doesn't know how to count, thats when I got tired of it... had to find something else and I did. Haha

The job I used to work at required inventory every month. Towards the end of the month, counts would be off by a couple digits and my manager would require the employees to recount each time... Someone in my team doesn't know how to count, thats when I got tired of it... had to find something else and I did. Haha

I'd be all over that guy's @$$ and make him regret it.

The problem is, if you don't do this, how are to suppose to make sure that you don't have missing stock?

not my problem, till I'm promoted to inventory job...