New Art Book Explores Mortal Kombat's Bloody 30-Year Visual History


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More than 30 years ago, Mortal Kombat hit arcades, kicking off the hyper-violent franchise that now spans numerous video games, big-budget movies, comic books, and even an animated series. Soon, fans can get an inside look at the franchise's gore-spattered history thanks to the upcoming art book, Mortal Kombat: Flawless Victory, written by Ian Flynn--the lead writer of IDW Publishing's Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and Sonic Frontiers. The $50 hardcover book will be released on August 5, 2025, and is available for preorder at Amazon.

According to the book's Amazon store page, Mortal Kombat: Flawless Victory will feature over 300 pages of concept sketches, renders, and illustrations. The art will be presented alongside exclusive interviews with the development team at NetherRealm Studios, commentary from Flynn, and an in-depth look at fan-favorite characters like Scorpion, Raiden, and Liu Kang.
Too bad no hentai Kitana PLOT pics inside lol