New Destiny Patch


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Bungie has confirmed details of the latest update rolling out for Destiny.

With an emphasis on stability, the blog update states that developer Bungie is addressing a server error where players would "occasionally be erroneously kicked" at the start of missions, and improving efforts to prevent account corruption.

There have also been tweaks to the reporting of errors, particularly the "Zebra" code that - prior to the patch - saw codes being reported as Zebra when, in fact, they weren't connected at all.
"Rare" Kicked To Login and Kick to Orbit issues have too been fixed.

Bungie is also tweaking the Vault of Glass raid to make sure "the activity provides an endgame challenge that meets project goals for the intended level of difficulty", which includes fixing an exploit where Atheon could be forced off his platform and a known issue where he was not choosing random teleport targets through the timestream at the conclusion of the raid.

The update ended on a sneak peek at what's to come in future updates, including Exotic Weapon "tuning", "new features for voice communication between matchmade teammates" and a boost in the number of Bounties Guardians can hold at any one time.

nothing major.