New health care


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It appears that it has passed the senate and will most likely be signed by obama. What are your thoughts on it?

I really don't know much about it but if I understand it right I can get back on my parents health care plan. If someone has a full list of what will happen please post it.
Maybe Im just a royal prick, but I find this new health care to be a little bit of a burden. If I am correct, our tax money is going to pay for this right?
If that's the case, then am I, and my family, technically paying for drunk, stoned, and homeless people to go to the doctor?

Alright, I know religiously wise, we're all supposed to be nice and friendly and give to people, but in society today, it's just not gonna happen. This crap is going to put our economy in a meat grinder and waste our money. I dont want my tax money going to pay for the less fortunate. Yeah, its mean, but it's a tough world and it's the survival of the fittest. That's how living is made to be.