New Nintendo 3DS Model


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Keeping up with tradition and screwing over current 3DS fans, Nintendo has announced a new addition to the Nintendo 3DS line called New 3DS. The up coming handheld is the same size as current 3DS models and contain a few slight changes such as colored buttons and an additional C-button on the upper right much like the gamecube controller had.

The biggest addition to this is the upgraded CPU which will allow for quicker game downloads and have to handle better games such as Xenoblade Chronicles which will be ported to this New 3DS only later this year with previous models unable to play the game. Another addition is a micro SD card slot which is located on the backside:

Plus the New 3DS will have upgraded shoulder buttons and the addition of ZL and ZR:

This new 3DS is due out later this year in Japan with a possible next year release outside of the states though with the many upgrades this seems to be a handheld made for Super Smash bros 3DS.

More additions to this handheld is NFC-technology which will make the New 3DS handhelds able to use the up coming Amiibos and a upgraded 3D viewer allowing you to make use of the 3D no matter how you look at the handheld. The new 3DS has 3.5-6 hours of battery life, compared to the original's 3-5. The XL has 3.5-7, up from 3.6-6.

Overall they are bringing enough changes to this handheld that they should have renamed it something else as the game slot is now in the front left of the handheld.

So what do you think GF gamers? Will you get this New 3DS which comes in the colors shown?