Nintendo New Nintendo President and Changes


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It took awhile, but today Nintendo has announced a new President which is former Managing Director, former Nintendo USA president and current Nintendo Human Resources head: Tatsumi Kimishima. Who is currently 65 years old, a timely age that most Japanese businessmen retire.

Why so old? Many speculate that he is merely a placeholder who won't stay president for more than five years as Nintendo better prepares a longer term and younger president. Tatsumi starts as president effective September 16th.

Along with this news came other news such as major internal shake ups in the company:

Nintendo is merging its Integrated Research & Development Division and the System Development Division into the newly branded Platform Technology Development Division. This group will be responsible for development of Nintendo hardware, OS, development tools, and network and is most likely working hard on the NX.

The Entertainment Analysis & Development Division and the Software Planning & Development Division which is the two in-house departments at Nintendo responsible for creating games, have also been folded into one department, called the Entertainment Planning & Development Division. This new group will not only aid in the creation of games on Nintendo platforms, but also for smart devices. Katsuya Eguchi (known for his work as producer for the Animal Crossing series) and Yoshiaki Koizumi (producer of several 3D Mario titles) will share the position of Deputy General Manager of this new department. Former SPD General Manager Shinya Takahashi will serve as General Manager.

Nintendo has established an entirely new department called the Business Development Division, which will handle refining the business model for the dedicated video game system business. It is also in charge of growing Nintendo's smart phone games business, as well as any new businesses that will feature Nintendo's new and old IPs.

So what do you think about all of this?