Nintendo New Pokemon Presents Announced for 8/3/22


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The Pokemon Company announced on its Twitter page that there will be a Pokemon Presents livestream happening later this week that will provide updates for its current Pokemon apps and video games and will be capped off by new information about Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The Pokemon Company did not say how long the August 3rd live stream will be, but these streams usually last about 20-30 minutes. As usual, this stream will be early in the morning for fans in the Western Hemisphere, starting at 9 AM EST.
I really just want Miror B. in Scarlet and Violet, That's all I want. Maybe a Pokemon Conquest remakes or pinball on the side too. All this mobile stuff just really wasn't my thing with as slow internet as I have. Takes a while to keep up.
I don't plan on watching it because I'm in the territory where I want to avoid story spoilers, but I know I'll see the new Pokemon around on Twitter. I'm really hoping we get final evolutions or even the second evolution of the starters.

Trailer from today.
So I'm guessing it will have voice acting from the main cast? That would be nice. I'm still curious about the competitive battling aspect, like training conveniences, or if the STAB boost goes higher for the Tera moves of the same type. I might try using Gogoat this time, but I still want the Grass starter.