PlayStation New PS4 Hardware and Vita Colors


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At Sony's TGS today, nine new HDD base covers and four new controller colors for the PlayStation 4 were shown.

The new colors are gold, silver, steel black and transparent crystal. Sadly, a limited number of the gold, silver and black will be available on November 6th and the crystal variant will launch later on December 3rd which the gold and silver have been announced for Europe.

The nine new faceplate variations will launch on November 6th for ¥2,500 which is roughly $21 USD and will only be available through Sony's stores. The color variations include purple, red, yellow, pink, gold, silver and a few others. Seven of the colors which don't include gold and silver, are available for pre-order starting today.

A wireless headset will be available in Japan on December 3 for ¥12,000 which is about $100 USD. Sony showed off the four previously announced PlayStation Vita color variations which are slated to launch in Japan this week which the colors are classic black, aqua blue, neon orange and glacier white. The four colors will launch in Japan for ¥18,980, while the aqua blue system will launch in North America this November for $199 USD.