Other New Tales Of Game announcement soon?


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It seems the wait will not have been in vain though, as a recent statement by Bandai Namco Holdings during a shareholders meeting has been interpreted by Japanese attendees and fans to be affirmative of a new Tales of title being in the works. According to a report by an attendee, when asked specifically whether there is a Tales title in production for the series’ 30th anniversary, Bandai’s representative responded, “There are things I can’t reveal at the moment, but please look forward to upcoming announcements.” The attendee notes that the wording Bandai HD used in this answer differs from their typical “we’re considering it, stay tuned” response, so it may be safe to assume that a new Tales title will be announced in the near future. In reaction to the report, Japanese Tales fans have grown heated for a new entry.

Tales of series Producer Yusuke Tomizawa has previously stated that he wishes to create something special for the 30-year-anniversary. In a 2022 interview with Famitsu, he even commented that “if there is no new title for the 30th anniversary, I will not have fulfilled my responsibility towards the series.” Tomizawa also mentioned that he wants to deliver “what the fans are looking for” and expand the Tales series’ range. While hoping to keep working on new entries, the producer also said that he does not intend to ignore fans’ requests for ports and remakes of past titles. At the time, Tomizawa was not able to say anything specific, but based on Bandai Namco HD’s statement, we may be getting the details soon.