PlayStation New Weapon for 2016's Ratchet and Clank


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In an announcement from Insomniac Games, the developer revealed the Bouncer had been made available for players to claim for free in 2016’s Ratchet and Clank. This weapon giveaway came as part of a celebration of the eighth anniversary of the game. To get the weapon for free, players must go to the PlayStation Store and download the Ratchet & Clank Bouncer Weapon Add on. It is worth noting that this free DLC works on both PS4 and PS5.
The Bouncer looks like a fun weapon to play in Ratchet & Clank. It is nice that Insomniac decided to giveaway the weapon as a free a DLC for PS4 and PS5.
It sure is nice to see a gaming company give something away for free for a change. Developers these days like to charge you for everything. Which is sad!
Ratchet games are a real treat. Adding a spare weapon is like finding a diamond in the rough when you go back to the game you played all the time or never at all until this point.