New Year's Revolution?


And here we are!
Full GL Member
Yes, I know the title is spelt "Revolution instead of resolution"

My New Year's Resolution is to have at least one chapter of my manga completed. I have so many plans for it but I'm not taking any action.
What's your New Years Resolution?

If you don't have one, then tell me - What plans do you have for next year?

And do you remember what your last years resolution was? Was you able to do it?
Tell me!

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I think it's a 'resolution'. A revolution is an overthrow of the government (successfully). Although the second one would be a neat resolution, got to admit.
New Years Resolution: (If I fail one, I take up another. =P)

-Keep my grades up, and don't slack on my work
-Get a job, and work regularly
-Play with my Dog more
-Try to start a new hobby or something, and stick with it
Get games for the systems I have. SImple as that. I don't think it's smart to get a 3DS when I only have 3 Wii games and 5 DS games. Collection building time!
Beat my games again. That doesn't mean play through all of them, just through a couple (maybe Link to the Past and SM64DS). Also, use my new computer effectively.
Don't do anything dumbassy and succeed in whatever it is I do end up doing, to the best of my ability. I also need to stop worrying about petty things too. I probably won't stop doing that one though.
I don't make any, but next year I hope to (if I don't by the end of this year) pick up with my fan fiction since I've been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slack with it recently, and to succeed in the courses I'm taking next year... A certificate in Media and certificate in Interactive Media.
I don't make any, but next year I hope to (if I don't by the end of this year) pick up with my fan fiction since I've been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too slack with it recently, and to succeed in the courses I'm taking next year... A certificate in Media and certificate in Interactive Media.
Freaky, I'm doing a course in Interactive Digital Media next year.