New youtube look


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Well youtube has once again changed their look with most of the changes happening to their front page and video display page. I like what they have done to their video display but really hate their main page display even more than in past changes.

The change was to simplify the page and make it more channel subscribe easy. However the page is hardly simplified as it takes me longer to find just the uploads and the recommended videos of those I subscribed to.

Your thoughts?
I wish YouTube just let people have an option to switch back to the old theme. It probably won't be too hard since most forums, and other types of websites lets member change themes in the member profile section.

I bet YouTube might even get a lot more new members sign-up if it lets members change their theme back to previous themes in the member profile page.
I hate it.

I hate it so damn much...

1) I really, really don't care how many people liked a video I liked.

2) I never cared what my subscriptions liked.

3) Stop suggesting channels, dammit! I find them on my own, thank you! ('Cause I'm a strong independent black woman who don't need no man!)

4) What's with the constant changes anyways? Is it a competition with Facebook now? Is YouTube trying to be a video-based social networking site?
why ha[background=rgb(28, 28, 28)]te i[/background][background=rgb(28, 28, 28)]t eh? [/background][background=rgb(28, 28, 28)]tis qui[/background][background=rgb(28, 28, 28)]te [/background][background=rgb(28, 28, 28)]the s[/background][background=rgb(28, 28, 28)]trong word no? [/background]
I think the YouTube changes are related to Google Plus which is Google's new social network.

I like the old gray sand background. The white background makes white background videos kind of strange to watch.
Not liking this new look.

Have become so accustomed to the old one that this new one feels pretty darn foreign to me and kinda a pain to use due to the new stuff.
To be honest I'm not bothered about the website. As long as I can still put my videos up and watch other videos then the site serves it's purpose. I see little point groaning about how a website looks, but that's just me.

However, having a widescreen monitor means that the webpage only fills 50% of the screen and it's not even centred! It's left aligned, that's poor web design.
I wonder if some webmaster can make a website which let us easily follow/subscribe to our favorite YouTube video makers, and search YouTube for new videos to watch, and Youtubers to subscribe to.

I read a post from a famous YouTuber named Phil from WongFuProduction who said he gets more views on his videos from links to his videos people post on Twitter, Facebook, social networks and websites then
I liked several iterations ago... Back when their homepage was just a box with some videos in it. It was simple, it was clean, it was centre aligned, it was easy to use and made sense. I could close out videos I had watched so they didn't show up again.

I don't care they liked or commented on some video, that's not why I'm on a video site. And to be blunt, I hate having my page populated with this crap. I also dislike the fact that it shows everything vertically, and so you get people who post like 8 videos in a short span block out other videos in your subscription list and you can't x them out to stop them from appearing, it's annoying.