Next Gen Trophies need Value


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If it's one thing me and thousand of other gamers loved in the 7th generation it was trophy/achievement support for most games. But one thing I felt that was lacking there was really no incentive to really get the trophies. Sure you can get them for bragging rights but since a lot of trophies are impossible or require ridiculous amount of time to get for nothing, you be better off playing a different game or be online shooting up noobs.

The thing I like to see next gen is for game makers make it worth while getting trophies, as in if you get a certain amount you get some kind of cash back, redeemable card for a discount or a percentage off the next game from that game maker(s) next video game.

I think if they did this it would add more reason to plat a game. What are your thoughts? Sound off in the comments below on what you think about this idea.
Microsoft gives discounts based on the amount of Gamerscore you have. Sony, of all things you do wrong, why is it the rewarding system. >_>