Nielsen: more than half of US teens now own smartphones


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Yes, we know Android is holding steady at about 52 percent of US smartphone market share. What's interesting is just who's driving growth as a whole. According to Nielsen, 58 percent of American teens between 13 and 17 now have a smartphone -- that's a big jump from 36 percent a year earlier and a sign that the youngest owners have a significant sway over where the market is going. Not that young adults don't have an impact. Although the 25-to-34 crowd isn't making as big a comparative leap, its smartphone ownership has climbed from 59 percent to a dominating 74 percent in the same space of time.


I'm guesing most of these Smartphones are contract based Smartphones instead of Prepaid phones which cost more because you do not have to sign a 2+ year contract with the phone company.

I wonder what is the percentage of teens which own Tablets since you can get a pretty good tablet for 99-160 dollars these days.
Neilsen might have included teens which do not own any kind of cell phone into the survey instead of just teens which own cell phone. I think if they only surveyed teens which own cell phones, the number of teens which only smartphone would probably be higher then half.