NiGHTS Into Dreams HD Remake


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Sega has confirmed that an HD remake of Saturn classic NiGHTS Into Dreams... is indeed on the way, and will be released via Xbox Live Arcade, PSN and PC digital download this Autumn.

Originally released in 1996, NiGHTS Into Dreams is one of Sega's most fondly-remembered games, and fans have been clamouring for a new one for years, not sated by a Japan-only PS2 remake and a Wii sequel in 2007. IGN reported that this remake may well be on the cards just a few days ago, after Sega posted a mysterious, NiGHTS-suggestive image on its Facebook page.

This new version will include an optional "Saturn mode" that will let you experience the game in its original form, if that's your thing.
NiGHTS joins Jet Set Radio, which is also being re-released in HD later this summer, in Sega's line-up of HD remakes. An HD remake of Shenmue for XBLA and PSN has also been heavily rumoured, but not confirmed.


Never played it, but it looks good so I will most likely get this.