Nintendo and Microsoft bombed this year with advertising their systems


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I think I'm going to peg the year 2013 as the year that Nintendo and Microsoft couldn't get out the right word on their gaming systems. Between the unclear name for the Wii U and Microsoft unable to fully explain their system right has lead to confusion and backlash from the general and gaming public.

Even though Nintendo claims that the Wii U's name isn't a problem, I still often hear people confused about it's name or maybe it draws from the fact that the only difference is the game pad the Wii U uses. Back when Nintendo did this with the NES making it SNES, the super part still made it stand out and with a different system look the public had no issue in telling a difference.

Microsoft did no better, they had to apologize for making things clear about the Xbox one leaving much speculation and rumors up to the internet people which isn't a good thing. If it's one thing to learn these past months from the Xbox one reveal, lay everything out on the table. If something isn't ready to be revealed then don't even mention the system. Not being clear will lead to fan backlash, petitions, and just plain out flaming left and right from Xbox and sony fanboys.

In the end, both Nintendo and Microsoft flopped with their system advertising and reveal as the general public doesn't stay up to date like gamers do. But do you think they flopped or did they somehow do a good job despite the backlash both companies have endured?