Nintendo Designing A New DS?


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Evan Wilson, an analyst with Pacific Crest Securities, says there is a new Nintendo DS being designed.

According to Wilson citing an unnamed source, the new hardware will drop the GBA slot, have an even thinner profile than the DS Lite and add some storage media and enlarged screens.

Reportedly, Nintendo is waiting to release the new system until demand and sales for the current-gen DS tapers off.

Hmmm... keep in mind, it's just a rumor now, but it seems pretty likely that Nintendo would have at least begun design on whatever system they have coming up next.

"Nintendo is re-designing the DS" was an unsubstantiated rumor yesterday, so Next Generation caught up with Nintendo president George Harrison.

He didn't say the rumor was untrue exactly... but don't look for a re-designed DS anytime soon.

“We don’t have any imminent plans for an upgrade for the Nintendo DS,†said Harrison. “The product is still selling extremely well around the world.â€


“I’m not sure what his source was for it, but it’s not something you’re going to hear about anytime soon.â€

So there you have it. Nintendo would be fools to not be planning the next iteration of their handheld, but it's probably in such an early stage there isn't much to tell about it.

"Nintendo is re-designing the DS" was an unsubstantiated rumor yesterday, so Next Generation caught up with Nintendo president George Harrison.

He didn't say the rumor was untrue exactly... but don't look for a re-designed DS anytime soon.

“We don’t have any imminent plans for an upgrade for the Nintendo DS,†said Harrison. “The product is still selling extremely well around the world.â€


“I’m not sure what his source was for it, but it’s not something you’re going to hear about anytime soon.â€

So there you have it. Nintendo would be fools to not be planning the next iteration of their handheld, but it's probably in such an early stage there isn't much to tell about it.