Nintendo Details Release Plans


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Nintendo followed up on yesterday's earnings report with a new report today detailing the sales performance for its biggest titles of the first quarter, and its release plans for the remainder of the year.

Wii Fit was the company's biggest game over the first three months of the fiscal year (April through June). The fitness software sold 3.6 million units, of which 3.47 million came from outside of Japan. Total worlwide sales for the title now stand at 21.82 million units.

That's a whole lot of Balance Wii Boards! In Japan, Nintendo has already dated and priced Wii Fit Plus. The sequel will hit Nintendo's home territory on October 1 priced at 2,000 yen, or about 20 bucks. With this price, we imagine Nintendo aiming to get players of the original to make the upgrade.

Nintendo's second and third biggest hits for the year were Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports. Mario Kart sold 2 million worldwide, bringing its life total to 17.39 million. Including hardware bundled units, Wii Sports sold 1.91 million units, bringing its total to 47.61 million units.

Nintendo only made note of one DS game for the quarter. Pokemon Platinum sold 1.91 million units over the period, bringing its worldwide total to 5.66 million.

Outside of this sales info, Nintendo provided a list of release dates. Here's how the company's lineup looks for the US.

On the Wii, we have:

* Metroid Prime Trilogy: 8/24
* Wii Fit Plus: 2009 Fall
* New Super Mario Bros. Wii: 2009 Holiday
* Sin and Punishment 2: Q1 2010 (calendar)
* Endless Ocean 2: Q1 2010 (calendar)
* Metroid Other M: 2010
* Super Mario Galaxy 2: 2010
* Span Smasher: TBA
* Line Attack Heroes: TBA
* Monado: TBA

On the DS:

* Fossil Fighters: 8/10
* Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box: 8/24
* Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story: 2009 Fall
* Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky: 2009 Fall
* Zelda Spirit Tracks: 2009 Holiday
* Style Savvy: 2009 Holiday
* Glory of Heracles: 2010
* Golden Sun DS: 2010
* Wario Ware D.I.Y: TBA
* Picross 3D: TBA

Nintendo's report includes a list of third party titles and European and Japanese dates as well. Access the full report off Nintendo's English investor relations page. You're looking for the "Supplementary Information about Earnings Release" PDF.
