Nintendo Direct (4/20/12)


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Nintendo plans to broadcast its next 'Nintendo Direct' presentation this Saturday at Noon in Japan. That's 8pm PT in the United States and 4am in the UK. Currently the online video has only been announced for Japan, meaning products revealed will only immediately pertain to that region. Nintendo typically focuses its Direct videos on its plans for the next several months.

Past Nintendo Direct videos have revealed new features for games like Mario Kart 7, Kid Uprising and Fire Emblem: Awakening, as well as 3DS system update information, 3DS game demos, the North American localization of The Last Story and more.

UPDATE (9:40AM): We now know that there will also be a European version of this Nintendo Direct broadcast, showing at 1pm CET (that's 4am PT). Still no word on a U.S.-specific version.

UPDATE (11:20AM): Nintendo of America has announced via Twitter that news will be arriving for the U.S. at around 8:30pm PT. This is around the time the Japanese version of Nintendo Direct should be concluding. Check back to IGN 3DS tonight for all the details.

UPDATE (11:50AM): Clues have sprouted up as to what tonight's Nintendo Direct broadcast might include. Kid Icarus Uprising director Masahiro Sakurai took to Twitter, hinting to his followers that they can expect news pertaining to the recently released Uprising from tonight's video.

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy news might also be on the way, as Masanobu Suzui, head of developer Indies Zero, urged his followers not to miss the broadcast.

Finally, a swapnote was sent to Japanese 3DS systems from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata announcing the forthcoming Nintendo Direct video. The swapnote include a picture of Iwata beside a giant Kirby doll, perhaps indicating that Kirby-related news in on the way.

Thanks to Andriasang for the translations. Again, be sure to check back in to IGN 3DS tonight for all the breaking Nintendo Direct news.


Good stuff coming! I can feel it.