Nintendo eShop Maintenance 3/13/14


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Some downtime is coming to the Nintendo eShop on March 13th 2014 which lands on a Thursday. The eShop will be undergoing a four-hour maintenance starting at 1pm PT. This affects both the Wii U and the 3DS which parts of the service may be "intermittently unavailable."

Plus Pokemon X and Y players will not be able to access features such as online play or rankings for fourteen hours starting Monday night (3/10) at 5pm PT and lasting all the way through to Tuesday 7am (3/11).

Usually Wii U and 3DS typically undergo maintenance each Monday from 12 - 4pm PT. Maintenance for the older Wii and DS platforms usually occur at Monday 11pm through to Tuesday 3am.

All details can be found on Nintendo's website.