Nintendo Nintendo Fixes Animal Crossing Glitch Which Let Players' Characters Walk Around Naked


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Source: Nintendo Fixes Animal Crossing: New Horizons Glitch That Had Villagers Walk Around Buck Naked

Animal Crossing: New Horizons’ days as a virtual nudist colony are no more. Nintendo has released a patch fixing a glitch that caused villagers to walk around their island paradise in their fuzzy birthday suits.

Alongside other bug fixes in Nintendo’s version 2.0.4 update yesterday, the most puritanical fix included resolving a bug that caused villagers to waltz about in the nude. According to Nintendo, the glitch was due to clothing which villagers were given by players using the game’s Custom Design feature disappearing whenever they were inside buildings.

I'm sure quite a few people had fun with that particular exploit, but glad to see Nintendo have fixed it, it is a Children's game, after all.
What was the issue exaclty? :P
Pretty fun that someone managed to even find this glitch lol. Not surprised that they managed to fix it pretty quickly considering the amount of kids that play it.