Nintendo Making a new Console


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Nintendo has announced plans to create new consoles and devices targeted specifically at emerging markets.

Company president Satoru Iwata discussed the strategy with Bloomberg, explaining Nintendo will create new hardware from scratch rather than work on cheaper versions of the Wii U and 3DS.

"We want to make new things, with new thinking rather than a cheaper version of what we currently have," he explained. "The product and price balance must be made from scratch."

Elsewhere in the interview, Iwata reiterated his resistance to move into the smartphone business, despite the decision to launch a companion app for Mario Kart 8.

"We have had a console business for 30 years, and I don't think we can just transfer that over onto a smartphone model," he revealed.

Two pieces of helpful info Nintendo,

1. DO NOT give it another wii or lame name.

2. Have a good line up of games.

Fail either and history repeats.
wow, already? the Wii U is still quite new. Let's hope they come up something much better this time. xD
That's good and dandy, but if this "so called" new system lacks games like the Wii U, well.. yeah >.> (the lack of rpg games like Pandora's Tower is real)