Nintendo Nintendo Reportedly Seeking More Studios To Work On Its IP


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With the next generation of Nintendo hardware seemingly on the horizon, it's no surprise the Japanese video game company is potentially seeking new partners, as well as studios, to work on some of its IP going forward.

With this in mind, Head of Christopher Dring says there are at least three studios currently "deep in conversation around making games based on Nintendo brands". Here's exactly what he had to say:

"I also know that Nintendo is actively meeting with independent developers to find new partners. Some of that is around publishing indie games, which Nintendo does from time-to-time, but it's also seeking studios that could work on some of its IP. Nintendo regularly works with third-party teams, including Bandai Namco, Team Ninja, Platinum Games, MercurySteam, WayForward and Grezzo. But the company is looking to add to that roster, and I know of three studios that are deep in conversation around making games based on Nintendo brands."
Funny. Fangames are a no-no, but finding people to make legit games with their IPs is okay. If anything, I'd say players want the next Kid Icarus: Uprising, F-Zero, Earthbound, and then Xenoblade, more Animal Crossing, and then Fire Emblem/Advance Wars, Punch-Out!!, Joy Mech Fight 2, Custom Robo 6, and stuff like that.

If I were an indie developer, I'd expect most to take a stab at Animal Crossing, then the older IPs like Punch-Out!!, retro-inspired Metroid with new tilesets, Chibi-Robo, Yoshi's Island, and Joy Mech Fight. F-Zero is a wildcard because I've heard of F-Zero-likes but those are less common. Some people might want the Mario and Luigi RPG series back. I know Smash, Kid Icarus, and Kirby are Sakurai's thing. So the eventual possibility of that is entirely up to him I'd take it.

What a lucky day for already-in-the-business indie teams. I'd be lucky to know what they are up to or even see if they were hiring remotely.
Funny. Fangames are a no-no, but finding people to make legit games with their IPs is okay.

I mean...well yeah. Theyre looking for studios to make the other games they probably have no intention of making.
As long as Nintendo can keep designing high quality Fire Emblem PLOT Waifus lol and Game I am fine with them assigning a different dev to make a new Fire Emblem strategy jrpg
This is good news for people who are looking for game developing jobs. Hopefully, a lot of good games will be created.