Nintendo Nintendo says the transition to its next console is ‘a major concern for us’


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Read from VGC:

“We have already announced a portion of our software roadmap releasing up to next spring,” he said. “Unlike the past, we continue to have a large variety of games scheduled to be released, even beyond five years of release. This is because the Nintendo Switch has had such a smooth launch, allowing us to focus all of our development resources on a single platform.

“However, the question of whether we will be able to just as smoothly transition from the Nintendo Switch to the next generation of hardware is a major concern for us. Based on our experiences with the Wii, Nintendo DS, and other hardware, it is very clear that one of the major obstacles is how to easily transition from one hardware to the next.

“To help alleviate this risk, we’re focusing on building long-term relationships with our customers. While we will continue launching new software on the Nintendo Switch, we will also provide services that also use Nintendo Accounts and other IP outside of gaming software. We intend for this to help build a lasting impact with our customers.”
I think cross-compatibility is a must for a business that recycles their IPs in a way that is more affordable than a subscription so they can afford more games on the console of course. I'm just curious what they come up with.
Being anti-consumer, not fixing the joy-con drift (And trying to dodge the issue with lame excuses), being far too strict with their intellectual property (C&Ding fan projects and not honoring and flat-out hindering the efforts of game preservation), making very poor business decisions (Nintendo Switch Online being a paid subscription service after being free since Wi-Fi connection) , their "love" for planned obsolescence (Closing down the WiiU and 3DS E-shop), ignoring consumer feedback/complaints/suggestions, the list could go on! The people on GBATemp have a lot more to say about this than I do, so I'll just stop there!

This post is also my opinion, and may or may not reflect how others currently feel about the company, or whether the post is accurate or not! It's just my personal views of the state of the company, and how they really need to make improvements to their business model, policies, and consumer relationships!
Being anti-consumer, not fixing the joy-con drift (And trying to dodge the issue with lame excuses), being far too strict with their intellectual property (C&Ding fan projects and not honoring and flat-out hindering the efforts of game preservation), making very poor business decisions (Nintendo Switch Online being a paid subscription service after being free since Wi-Fi connection) , their "love" for planned obsolescence (Closing down the WiiU and 3DS E-shop), ignoring consumer feedback/complaints/suggestions, the list could go on! The people on GBATemp have a lot more to say about this than I do, so I'll just stop there!

This post is also my opinion, and may or may not reflect how others currently feel about the company, or whether the post is accurate or not! It's just my personal views of the state of the company, and how they really need to make improvements to their business model, policies, and consumer relationships!
Tbh, I wouldn’t call it planned obsolescence by shutting down the Wii U and 3DS Eshop. If not a lot of people are using it, why spend the upkeep on those servers? You can repurpose those servers for other games instead of catering to an increasingly niche group of gamers.

Also, is Nintendo not an asshole for shutting down the DS and Wii online services, or Sega for shutting down all of their consoles’ services, or Microsoft for shutting down the original Xbox live, or Sony for shutting down PS2 services? Seems weird to focus on solely the Wii U and 3DS shops and call that “anti-consumer”.

I also don’t blame Nintendo for charging for online services. Server upkeep is not cheap, and with the increasing complexity and requirements for games, the servers have to keep up, which means more costs.

I think people love misusing the term “anti-consumer”. It’s the new buzzword in the gaming world for people to make themselves sound smart as a synonym for “they did something I don’t like”.

Funny how anti-consumer is rarely brought up in any other circles, but the second you go to a gaming one, you see it thrown around all the time.
Being anti-consumer, not fixing the joy-con drift (And trying to dodge the issue with lame excuses), being far too strict with their intellectual property (C&Ding fan projects and not honoring and flat-out hindering the efforts of game preservation), making very poor business decisions (Nintendo Switch Online being a paid subscription service after being free since Wi-Fi connection) , their "love" for planned obsolescence (Closing down the WiiU and 3DS E-shop), ignoring consumer feedback/complaints/suggestions, the list could go on! The people on GBATemp have a lot more to say about this than I do, so I'll just stop there!

This post is also my opinion, and may or may not reflect how others currently feel about the company, or whether the post is accurate or not! It's just my personal views of the state of the company, and how they really need to make improvements to their business model, policies, and consumer relationships!

So you must have equal hate for Sony and Microsoft as well, most of this is industry standard right now, though I will give you points on the drift con, even though apparently it happens to Playstation and Xbox it seems worse for Nintendo and they really did failed at fixing it.
Tbh, I wouldn’t call it planned obsolescence by shutting down the Wii U and 3DS Eshop. If not a lot of people are using it, why spend the upkeep on those servers? You can repurpose those servers for other games instead of catering to an increasingly niche group of gamers.

Also, is Nintendo not an asshole for shutting down the DS and Wii online services, or Sega for shutting down all of their consoles’ services, or Microsoft for shutting down the original Xbox live, or Sony for shutting down PS2 services? Seems weird to focus on solely the Wii U and 3DS shops and call that “anti-consumer”.

I also don’t blame Nintendo for charging for online services. Server upkeep is not cheap, and with the increasing complexity and requirements for games, the servers have to keep up, which means more costs.

I think people love misusing the term “anti-consumer”. It’s the new buzzword in the gaming world for people to make themselves sound smart as a synonym for “they did something I don’t like”.

Funny how anti-consumer is rarely brought up in any other circles, but the second you go to a gaming one, you see it thrown around all the time.

Nintendo is doing LOTS of things that many people aren't pleased about! *cough*askgbatempaboutnintendoanticonsumerpractices*cough* *Clears throat* Hoo, My throat's a little dry this morning!

Like I said, It's just my opinion! I like Nintendo as a video game developer, but not as a corporation right now! I won't have anything to with Sony (Don't even get me started on them as a company, I'll REALLY tear them apart!), or xBox! I prefer Nintendo (And sound contradictive, I know)!
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Nintendo really annoys me with just how inconsistent they are. Like just them as a whole is really unpredictable. They'll make three great games in a role then go a whole year with only mediocre and bad games. They really just seem to not care about anything.
Nintendo is doing LOTS of things that many people aren't pleased about! *cough*askgbatempaboutnintendoanticonsumerpractices*cough* *Clears throat* Hoo, My throat's a little dry this morning!

Like I said, It's just my opinion! I like Nintendo as a video game developer, but not as a corporation right now! I won't have anything to with Sony (Don't even get me started on them as a company, I'll REALLY tear them apart!), or xBox! I prefer Nintendo (And sound contradictive, I know)!
I wouldn’t call it anti-consumer, the way they handled the joycon drift was douchy, and while I disagree with closing down fan projects, I understand controlling your intellectual property.

I’m not saying you have to like what they’re doing, people just throw around the term anti-consumer as a false way of validating their dislike, especially in the gamer community, as that’s their hot term for the year. Throwing in misused buzzwords isn’t a way of validating your opinion, it makes it look more childish.

You haven’t really shown me anything that’s anti-consumer, just a bunch of grievances that you have. You have to consider that companies are there to make money, and not everything is to the customer’s benefit. Hell most of it is going to be a situation of “damned if you do and damned if you don’t”.

Them keeping up servers for games a low number of people are playing, and this will affect their current online upkeep. Well now you’ll be bitching that they’re not allocating resources to their current projects. ANTI-CONSUMER!

They make Switch online services be free, but the performance is poor like on the Wii and Wii U. ANTI-CONSUMER!

You can see how this is a lose lose situation for them.

I'll rest my case here, and by the power vested in me as an Administrator of this forum, adjourn this debate! *Bangs gavel*

I don't want this to become a fight or argument, so can we end there? Good! *Bangs gavel 3 more times*

I'll rest my case here, and by the power vested in me as an Administrator of this forum, adjourn this debate! *Bangs gavel*

I don't want this to become a fight or argument, so can we end there? Good! *Bangs gavel 3 more times*
You need to explain what makes it anti-consumer instead of just listing grievances saying “anti-consumer!!!”

I’m not denying they do dumb shit, but you need to explain the difference between them doing dumb shit and it being anti-consumer.

So far you haven’t disproved my accusation that you’re just labeling anything they do that you don’t like as anti-consumer. You just keep listing things and going “see see” and not explaining anything. It’s a conspiracy theorist style of arguing.

You need to explain why instead of just listing things
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Have you watched some of the videos by ReviewTechUSA in the spoilers from my previous post? Those videos are what I'm talking about Nintendo being anti-consumer! That and everyone on GBATemp are also talking about how anti-consumer Nintendo is!
Have you watched some of the videos by ReviewTechUSA in the spoilers from my previous post? Those videos are what I'm talking about Nintendo being anti-consumer! That and everyone on GBATemp are also talking about how anti-consumer Nintendo is!
You still didn’t explain how it’s anti-consumer, and just listed grievances.

Linking a video of them doing dumb shit and saying “this is anti-consumer!” and not explain why/how doesn’t make it anti-consumer.

You need to explain how it’s anti-consumer. At this point you’re throwing the word around, because if you can’t/won’t explain it, you must not know what it means.

You also need to stop using the crutch that GbaTemp also thinks it’s anti-consumer. Popular consensus on a single website doesn’t make your statement factual, especially when you’re not backing up your claims.

There are plenty of online communities that believe in non-factual statements, and that doesn’t make them true. Me telling you that the Earth is flat because the Flat Earth Society says so doesn’t make the Earth flat. That’s literally the tactic you’re using.
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On another note reselling the same games for a subscription or limited time like Fire Emblem wasn't very nice either. And the retro game market is still there I know but putting it on the Wii U and Wii and then having it stop for Switch feels wrong for how small these filesizes are.
On another note reselling the same games for a subscription or limited time like Fire Emblem wasn't very nice either. And the retro game market is still there I know but putting it on the Wii U and Wii and then having it stop for Switch feels wrong for how small these filesizes are.
It’s less to do with file sizes, and more to do with programming the emulator, and copyrights. Let’s take a game like Final Fantasy, Nintendo only had the rights to add it to the Wii, not the Wii U, or the Switch. If it’s a first party game, they’re probably just being dumb.

Nintendo also does emulation differently. Iirc, every rom runs in its own “custom” emulator to ensure comparability. Compare that to the PS3’s take of “generic PS1” emulator where the physical game compatibility was hit and miss.

Still seems like a lose lose situation.