Nintendo to Embrace Video Downloads?


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Nintendo's Wii and DS consoles will work together to bring on-the-move on-demand video, with the Kyoto outfit to bring its own twist to similar services offered by Sony and Microsoft.

That's according to comments from Nintendo president Satoru Iwata, in an interview with the Wall Street Journal picked up by

"If the Wii and the DS are connected, it should be possible to download video through the Wii and take it with you on the DS. When the service begins, you'll see how we're going to do it differently in a Nintendo-like way," said Iwata, "There are a lot of on-demand video services, so there's no reason to do the same thing, so we're going to do something different."

While further details of any future service remain thin on the ground, such a move would go some way to fulfilling the multimedia potential of Nintendo's DSi, which released last weekend in North America and across Europe.

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