Nintendo trivia


santa mario*temporary*
ok first question how many game console's have nintendo made
Including handhelds.... they have made a total of

16 consoles and... 75 handhelds

Want a list?

  1. Color TV Game 6
  2. Color TV Game 15
  3. Color TV Racing 112
  4. Color TV Game Block Breaker
  5. Computer TV Game
  6. Famicom/NES
  7. Super Famicom/SNES
  8. NES-101 (aka NES 2, NES Toploader.... etc)
  9. Nintendo 64
  10. SNES-101 (aka SNES 2, SNES Jr)
  11. GameCube
  12. PanasonicQ
  13. Wii
  14. Wii Family Edition
  15. Wii U
  16. Wii Mini
As for handhelds?

60 Game & Watch games as well as:

  1. Game Boy
  2. Game Boy Pocket
  3. Virtual Boy
  4. Game Boy Light
  5. Game Boy Color
  6. Game Boy Advance
  7. Game Boy Advance SP (AGS-001)
  8. Nintendo DS
  9. Game Boy Micro
  10. Game Boy Advance SP (AGS-101)
  11. Nintendo DS Lite
  12. Nintendo DSi
  13. Nintendo DSiXL
  14. Nintendo 3DS
  15. Nintendo 3DS XL
well thats correct ok now Question two:What Nintendo game sold the most copys?
Wii Sports.
Correct now Question three:who created nintendo? also you can ask your own questions
Absolutely correct now Question four:What did Nintendo start out with? what i mean is how it started.
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