Nintendo Working on Ideas for Next Console


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In an interview with the Associated Press, Nintendo game designer Shigeru Miyamoto briefly discussed the company's future hardware plans.

When asked if he'll continue to design Wii U games after the release of Star Fox next year, Miyamoto said the focus is on the Wii U "for the time being," but that Nintendo is working on new hardware ideas too.

    "...For the time being, our focus is on the Wii U hardware, but Nintendo as a whole has groups working on ideas for new hardware systems. While we're busy working on software for the Wii U, we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be."

Whatever comes next, Miyamoto wants to see Mario leading the way. He compared the iconic hero to Mickey Mouse, who was at the forefront of many revolutions in animation tech.

    "From early on, I wanted Mario to be that character in the digital world, so that with each digital evolution, he was there to usher in the next era. I think that maybe when we release the next hardware system, you can look forward to seeing Mario take on a new role or in a new game."

In case you missed it, Miyamoto also recently said that if certain Amiibos are no longer available in the future, Nintendo will have the option of releasing Amiibo cards with the same functionality.

at least they are thinking.
Honestly if they want to really succeed... drop the gimmicks. No more tablet on controller. No plastic figures. No motion controls. Don't come up with some stupid trading card system or whatever. 
Just make a load of great games and keep them coming at a steady pace. Games will move systems by themselves. Make a moderately powerful little system (basically as expensive as you can get without losing money) that's relatively easy to code for and set developers to work. 
Keep the price points 300 (basic) and 350 (deluxe) to ensure competition with Sony and Microsoft (who by that time may have fully adopted cheaper price points themselves) and watch as kick ass games draw consumers in. 

I mean we've seen time and again evidence that games sell system. Yet Nintendo continually seems to forget this (both their 6th and 8th gen consoles suffered for this at start, their 7th gen suffered for it in the end). They can do better than this. It's time they did. It's time they gave Sony and Microsoft a real run for their money. 
It's good to know that Nintendo is working on the next console. I like the Wii U, and some of the games like Zelda, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, etc.

I like the Wii U tablet controller which looks useful for playing games when the TV is off, and to add extra features to games like the DS with the touchscreen.

I think Nintendo should work on making a console which cost $199, and can play games well since parts like RAM, CPUs, hard drives and video chips/cards will come down in price in a few years when their next console is release, so $199 in parts in a few years can probably build a very good console.
VirusZero said:
Honestly if they want to really succeed... drop the gimmicks. No more tablet on controller. No plastic figures. No motion controls. Don't come up with some stupid trading card system or whatever. 
Just make a load of great games and keep them coming at a steady pace. Games will move systems by themselves. Make a moderately powerful little system (basically as expensive as you can get without losing money) that's relatively easy to code for and set developers to work. 
Keep the price points 300 (basic) and 350 (deluxe) to ensure competition with Sony and Microsoft (who by that time may have fully adopted cheaper price points themselves) and watch as kick ass games draw consumers in. 

I mean we've seen time and again evidence that games sell system. Yet Nintendo continually seems to forget this (both their 6th and 8th gen consoles suffered for this at start, their 7th gen suffered for it in the end). They can do better than this. It's time they did. It's time they gave Sony and Microsoft a real run for their money. 
I do like the gamepad, holds a lot of potential that I don't think will be fully used. But I agree, Nintendo holds possibly the best IPs in the gaming world and they fail to use them.
If you ask me they need to take a step back and focus on new quality games. Also, the video game industry is slowly becoming the money making industry. Sometimes using tactics to make money isn't helpful, one thing I hate is the one file save slot on Pokemon games, but I doubt will change. The biggest thing they need to do to stand out from Sony and Microsoft is just be different. Come up with new idea and release a console that just must be owned by everyone. Many of the fanboys and people of today think it's just for kids, third party may help here as well. Take advantage of their characters and franchises and seize the industry.
Demon_Skeith said:
They always do this.
They do.  I think they need to drop the gimmicks.  The Gamepad was a nice idea, but Star Fox is probably the only title after the beginning exclusives that seems to be utilising it, well that's what it seems to be anyway.  

Nintendo shouldn't change and try to be 'mainstream', because eventually the market will change and people will want something different.  It happened with Atari and the video game industry crash.  People became sick of the way things were going, and Nintendo took the entire world by storm with their unique brand and characters. It'll happen again, I think it might happen next generation, but it could not, it will happen eventually, I'm so sure of it.

Things change in all art, music changes, as generations go by, people look back to the artists that have been there from the beginning and they deliver.  Millions upon millions still go to The Rolling Stones concerts because they know they will deliver, and millions will buy their latest albums.  

It's the same with Nintendo, people know they've been in the business longer than Sony and Microsoft, so when people get sick of the boring mainstream graphics competition, they'll look to the veterans who have been there the entire time offering a different experience entirely.

I'm no Nintendo fanboy, I used to be, I like PlayStation.  My PS3 is my second favourite and used console.  It's just Nintendo KNOW video game development, it's so ingrained in their system of creation.  They're great with money and business too.  Yeah, their marketing now days... eh... is a bit whatever.  Anyway, I digress...

The game industry is still so young in comparison to movies, tv and music.  But in a very young industry, like the beatles, and james dean, Nintendo were the pioneers and are still the pioneers if you want a unique brand and complete fun.  

They'll bring it with the next generation.  I'm loving my Wii U, I've been playing it so much lately.  I think this next generation, Nintendo are going to fuckin' kill it.
I agree that games will move a console.  If Nintendo can create a steady stream of games that interest more people, I think they'd sell more.  That is what attracts me to a console.  If the console doesn't make enough games that interest me, then I won't buy it.  It isn't worth it to me to spend all that money on a console for very few games. 