Nintendo's warning


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Nintendo is making it clear they do not support playing pirated or non-region approved games on the 3DS. Japanese retailers have been warned, Nintendo will disable any 3DS console that has illegal games detected on it. The console would be bricked via firmware update. The 3Ds launched last week in Japan and the American release will take place at the end of the month. I'm sure we can expect to see a similar warning from Nintendo once it hits shelves on March 27.

Many retailers in Japan have already warned their customers; issuing their own warning, stating they will not buy back a 3DS with custom software. According to GoNintendo, Japanese game chain Enterking posted this warning on their site.

Nintendo Warns Against Hacking The 3DS; Threatens To Brick Consoles

The flier roughly translates to:

"Dear customers who resell Nintendo 3DS "

"non purchase able 3DS system"

In case if you use equipment which is illegal or unapproved by Nintendo or if you do customization which is unapproved by Nintendo, there is a possibility that Nintendo 3DS become non bootable by system update.

- From Nintendo 3DS terms of agreement

Because of terms of agreement above, Enterking refuses to buy 3DS system with record of illegal or unapproved equipment.' "Request to format before you sell"

Do you think Nintendo should be able to disable the 3DS if they detect illegal software? The 3DS won't be able to play games that aren't approved for your region. Could you have your 3DS disabled for playing an imported game, even if you payed for it?


if you customize your 3DS, I doubt you want to sell it.
Wow! That's kind of scary. Not even Amazon bricks Kindles that have been hacked/fiddled around with. (I'm sure someone will come up with a way around this, though. They always do. Right?)