No Heavy Rain 2


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If you were a fan of PS3 game Heavy Rain, don't hold your breath waiting for a sequel. There is no series of quick time events that will convince David Cage, creator of the adventure game, to make a sequel.

In an interview with Develop, Cage said:

"I’m not in this business to make money. I wrote Heavy Rain because I was excited about it, because there was something to say. Yeah I could make Heavy Rain 2, but I’ve said what I’ve had to say about it. That’s the strength of Quantic Dream, to have the capacity to create new ideas, to make something that breaks ground."


wow, a game maker not out for money. he has my respect.
don't want a sequel, it would ruin it. I want to see a brand new game from them, with a new story hopefully as amazing as Heavy Rain's.
I am glad that he is still sticking to his statement months after he made the game :) He said he didn't want to make a sequel back before the game was even released and normally massive amounts of money change the minds of developers who say this but it fills me with joy that he is sticking to his guns as Sony will no doubt be interested in a sequel from him.
Well then:
Hear of it
Buy it
Play it
Love it
Wish there were more games like it
Rejoice that there is no sequel of it...