No internet


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What do you do when you have no internet at all?
Only one thing to do really. Sleep xD (nah, the place would be too hot cause I live on a tropical Island)

If I have nothing important to do :

Option 1: If one of my gaming devices is charged, I'd play a game. 
Option 2: If it's night, either sleep or go to some party (depending on if I'm in the mood). 
Option 3: Relax or meet some people to play basketball or something (that reminds me, I haven't played basketball in a while...). 
Without internet, my computer loses almost all of its uses to me. So I might squeeze off a few rounds of Tomb Raider or Advance Wars on my PSPGo. Tis an honest life, even without the web.
Go through withdrawals. XD

Nah, I'd find something else to do. Probably play games, read, write, doodle, or just find something else creative to do. I'd go to sleep probably pretty early though. I'm pretty much a hermit so there's not much outside stuff I'd do. 
Why would the internet be off? I just call the internet service provider and report the problem, and until they fix it, I usually read or, if my smartphone is charged, play some mobile games. I might even watch TV if there is anything good on.