No Metal Gear Solid 5


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Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima recently answered listener questions during a segment on his company's latest Kojima Productions podcast, translated by Andriasang.

Kojima addressed several rumors and speculation, answering with a simple "yes" or "no." You can read the full Q&A below:

Will you appear at the Microsoft E3 press conference?

Kojima: No

Will you announce Metal Gear Solid 5?

Kojima: No

Will Metal Gear Solid 3DS be released at the end of 2011?

Kojima: Yes

Is Doctor Lautrec the new title from the Metal Gear staff?

Kojima: No (laughs)

Did Kojima Productions Not Work on Metal Gear Arcade?

Kojima: Yes

Is Gray Fox the main character in Metal Gear Solid: Rising?

Kojima: No

Will MGS Rising's multiplayer be shown?

Kojima: No

Is MGS Rising's release date November 1, 2011?

Kojima: No

Will Metal Gear Solid 4 be ported to NGP?

Kojima: No

Are you planning something big for Metal Gear's 25th anniversary next year?

Kojima: Yes

Is Metal Gear Solid 5 really necessary though?

I mean look at it. Metal Gear Solid 4 wrapped up the events of all the previous games quite nicely.

Metal Gear Solid 3, Portable Ops and Peace Walker told the story right up until Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. Between Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid, Snake was retired so no need for any games there. Between Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear solid 2 is realistically the only place you could squeeze a game in with Snake doing his philanthropic work with Otacon as we saw in the Tanker chapter at the start of MGS2. Between 2 and 4 is a patchy subject as we don't really know what Snake was doing except perhaps aging very fast. We know some story between that time period is being told in Rising but it still begs the question, do we need another Metal Gear Solid?

Kojima will be thinking very hard about this. He does not make Metal Gear Solid games just to make money. He makes them if he feels there is a genuine story to tell and he has already announced that Snake's story has been told and that he didn't want to do much more with the character.

I will admit that I freaking love Metal Gear Solid. Even though I have yet to finish most of the games (shameful I know but I have been slacking in my current gen so haven't had time to return to previous gen games) the series is still THE best video game series ever crafted with fantastic narrative and gameplay and really colourful well characterised characters. Even with my absolute love for the series, I still have to admit when there is a stopping point. We don't need another Metal Gear Solid after Rising really. Otherwise we risk raping this into a never ending stream of sequels of ever decreasing quality like the Call of Duty series.
Is Metal Gear Solid 5 really necessary though?

I mean look at it. Metal Gear Solid 4 wrapped up the events of all the previous games quite nicely.

Metal Gear Solid 3, Portable Ops and Peace Walker told the story right up until Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. Between Metal Gear 2 and Metal Gear Solid, Snake was retired so no need for any games there. Between Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear solid 2 is realistically the only place you could squeeze a game in with Snake doing his philanthropic work with Otacon as we saw in the Tanker chapter at the start of MGS2. Between 2 and 4 is a patchy subject as we don't really know what Snake was doing except perhaps aging very fast. We know some story between that time period is being told in Rising but it still begs the question, do we need another Metal Gear Solid?

Kojima will be thinking very hard about this. He does not make Metal Gear Solid games just to make money. He makes them if he feels there is a genuine story to tell and he has already announced that Snake's story has been told and that he didn't want to do much more with the character.

I will admit that I freaking love Metal Gear Solid. Even though I have yet to finish most of the games (shameful I know but I have been slacking in my current gen so haven't had time to return to previous gen games) the series is still THE best video game series ever crafted with fantastic narrative and gameplay and really colourful well characterised characters. Even with my absolute love for the series, I still have to admit when there is a stopping point. We don't need another Metal Gear Solid after Rising really. Otherwise we risk raping this into a never ending stream of sequels of ever decreasing quality like the Call of Duty series.

I agree! Even though I totally love the Metal Gear series, sometimes it's also important to know when to stop. When you have a successful series that has it's story finished you should stop and let your production stay on history as a great game instead of being greedy and produce a disappointing follow-up to ruin the entire series. It's time that they use the name they got from producing metal gear to produce another awesome game series :D
So the PSP will be left in the dust again( wait for months to years to have a port) but because I both own the two systems, I am a little excited with the new MGS for the DS. I just hope it won't look weird because I have the old DS and not the new 3DS.