No Sequel for Kid Icarus


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Masahiro Sakurai, the creator of the blockbuster Kirby and Super Smash Bros. franchises, has enjoyed further success with Kid Icarus Uprising for the 3DS. The game has seen impressive sales figures both in Japan and domestically, re-introducing gamers to the long forgotten world of Pit and Lady Palutena. Following such a smash hit, you’d think making a sequel would be a natural choice - but in a recent e-mail interview with IGN, Sakurai dismissed the idea.

When asked if he and his Project Sora team had created such a rich, lasting universe so that it could easily be returned to in future projects, Sakurai said, “If by ‘lasting universe’ you mean to ask if there's a sequel, the answer is no.” Sakurai went on to explain that the reason is “because we pushed a lot into the game in order to let people have this short yet deep experience, but the novelty of that would likely grow thin in the next game. For now, my thought is that perhaps we'll see someone else besides me make another Kid Icarus in another 25 years.”

While it looks like Icarus fans are once again out of luck, at least for the foreseeable future, we at least have Uprising’s surprisingly true to the original adventure to tide us over. When it came to paying homage to the original, Sakurai said this was a key concern of his.

“No matter how much you change a game's genre and whatnot for the times, I think it's vital you never lose your respect for the original game,” he said. “With the first Kid Icarus, it's not a serious adventure - it has a more humorous bent to it, one you don't see in the original Legend of Zelda and Metroid that came out that generation. To embody that in a modern style, we made efforts not to have it seem like a run-of-the-mill battle - the story flow is really daring and unfolds in crazy ways that don't pay too much attention to the setting.”

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Well that kinda sucks since I've heard so many good things about Uprising. I guess they didn't want to make another game since it could end up being compared too much for not being as good as the original Uprising. Though I do hope there would come another Kid Icarus game on the WiiU that doesn't have to be a sequel to Uprising. Pit's universe seems like such good potential for future games.
I applaud this decision since while I liked the game it wasn't anything to write home about. Pushing for a sequel would likely just result in a game that truly sucks. Really I wish more folks would take to heart the fact that making a sequel just because isn't the way to go.