Non Traditional Controllers


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I honestly don't like many or even any of the alternate controllers available. When I play video games, I'd rather just be sitting down and moving my thumbs instead of having to stand up and wave my arms holding a Wii / PS Move controller. I even dislike the steering wheel and pedal for racing games as well as arcade sticks for fighting games. The only alternate controller I slightly liked was the Kinect which is technically not even a controller anymore, but I found it amusing enough to play for a while but as for repeat plays, I really would just rather stick to the traditional controllers.

How about you guys, which alternative controllers do you like? Or do you just prefer to play on a traditional controller with direction buttons like me?
I am a PC gamer and I prefer the keyboard and mouse and the 360 controller. I personally haven't used any non-traditional controller (except the keyboard and mouse, which have become a standard in PC gaming anyways), but I do not find the concepts any interesting. The motion sensing sounds interesting, but it gets boring too quick. I would not really buy another non-traditional controller because I am satisfied with these two. However, I am interested in steering wheels and car controls. I do think that these controllers might not really be that satisfactory and will just add up to the cost of the gaming setup, but, I would actually love to try out driving controls.
Being a console gamer mainly, I prefer traditional controllers over motion controlled.  If I were to place preference for motion controllers, I'd go for the Wii, because you don't really have to stand up and get right into it.  Playing something like Zelda I can comfortably sit down and waggle my wrist around.  So it's no big deal.  The Kinect seems like a pain in the arse. 
I've never been a big fan of any alternative controls/controllers, and everything i have tried (Wii, Kinect, etc) has just been bothersome. Surely they're fun for a while... But after that while, you just want to step back to the traditional controllers again. They're just far easier to play on for a long time, they are much better, and you're obviously used to them.

I suppose we would think the same way if we were used to these "untraditional controllers" commonly, and the contollers we have today as "traditional ones" would be untraditional, if you know what I mean. I mean... It's all up to being used to something. If we were used to wii controllers, we would love them.
Since I'm serious about fighting games, I use Arcade Sticks. Due to the nature and complexity of fighting games, these are pretty much necessary if you wanna get serious about them (unless you're a pad magician like Wolfkrone, a pro player that uses pad exclusively, but he's more an exception to the norm than anything). I currently own this one:


It's a cheap entry-level stick that is actually really good for its price and works wonders. I did a small mod, changing the restrictor plate for the stick itself to an hexagonal "gate": 


I aim to get this one when it comes out by the end of the year, since it's compatible with PS3 AND PS4:


I'll probably change the buttons and even the face art of this new stick, since unlike the first one, it uses mechanical buttons rather than some attached to a PCB.

If you're hardcore about certain, very specific genres, like fighting and driving, you will probably have to abandon your regular controller eventually. Good thing is, at least with arcade sticks, you can mod them to hell and back, and end up with something completely original and true to you. Seriously, check some custom sticks out sometime, they tend to rock.
I'm too used to my keyboard + mouse combo as well. Not sure I could see myself transitioning through menus or screens with a controller like I did "back in the day."
That said, there are certain games which don't feel right using a combo and most of those are emulated games or similar.

Terraria is an example of a game I'm not sure I would enjoy with a controller, but it's still highly popular on consoles.
I was never on board with Nintendo's motion controllers, or the fact it was motion control only. Most likely because of this I will never play Zelda skyward sword.

Give me the Wii U's classic controllers, a game cube controller, a PlayStation DS controller or anything similar. I hope motion control is dead with the next gen.
I haven't used any really weird controllers, I have a modded controller for my Xbox 360 though which is pretty cool. It's chrome with LEDs in the buttons and it has rapid fire mods and stuff, I would like a SCUF controller too.
As a console collector, I prefer the traditional brand of controllers for all consoles. Although some may offer additional perks such as enhanced firing buttons or other convenient traits, it just doesn't feel right to me. Besides, years later if I were to sell any of my systems, I'd have all original inclusions.
I like the traditional because the wii and different remotes like that I just really can't get use to. The traditional remotes are much more easier to use than the others.
I myself enjoy just being able to sit and move and press buttons on a controller but to be honest I also don't mind using other ways of playing a game such as with the Wii and Xbox 360 and One with Kinect. I find that it gives you more of a chance to feel like you are part of the game more rather than just sat playing it which is fun.
I seen videos of people using a keyboard and mouse to play games on the Xbox 360 and PS3, and it looks pretty good for people who are used to Keyboard and mouse, or prefer pressing buttons on a keyboard and mouse instead of holding a controller which can be tiring after an hour.
I have used Scuf Gaming controllers for the Xbox 360 which is pretty near default however has a few adjustments which I personally like when playing games like Call of Duty. 