Hey guys,
Just thought I'd fill you all in on my experience using this site called The Novel Network which a few of you have been talking about.
Basically, you sign up (takes just a few seconds), you get some log-in info, and then you get access to this members area with MILLIONS of eBooks available to download, absolutely free.
I'm pretty impressed with the service overall, and have downloaded tons of eBooks to my iPad and my iPhone, like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, all the Twilight Books, the Lord of the Rings series.
I strongly recommend it. I mean, who can turn down FREE unlimited eBooks? I never have to go to a book shop ever again! The site also works for Kindle users, nook owners, and basically any other e-Reader or tablet.
You can check out the site yourself at http://thenovelnetwork.com
Just thought I'd fill you all in on my experience using this site called The Novel Network which a few of you have been talking about.
Basically, you sign up (takes just a few seconds), you get some log-in info, and then you get access to this members area with MILLIONS of eBooks available to download, absolutely free.
I'm pretty impressed with the service overall, and have downloaded tons of eBooks to my iPad and my iPhone, like Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, all the Twilight Books, the Lord of the Rings series.
I strongly recommend it. I mean, who can turn down FREE unlimited eBooks? I never have to go to a book shop ever again! The site also works for Kindle users, nook owners, and basically any other e-Reader or tablet.
You can check out the site yourself at http://thenovelnetwork.com