Nvidia: It is ‘no longer possible’ for video game consoles to catch up to PCs


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According to an interview with a Nvidia executive at PCPowerPlay, the answer is no. In fact, Nvidia Senior VP Tony Tamasi believes that it is “no longer possible for a console to be a better or more capable graphics platform than the PC.”

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I agree with Nvidia. I don't expect better performance and more features when I'm paying less for a $299 console like the Wii U vs building or buying a Gaming PC where I can install 32GB of DDR3 RAM, multiple video cards, SSD, multi-core CPU, and a surround sound soundcard where the only limit for most people is the amount of money they have to spend on a PC.
It makes sense to be honest, for the cost of the hardware anyway. I think consoles will continue to lag behind top-of-the-line PCs. Mainstream PCs they will beat though. Still, I do love my consoles. 
I suppose it's not possible for consoles to beat PC for graphics but Nvidia is not going to be honest and say "Yeah, of course continuous upgrading and compatibility of hardware will always be a nightmare for PCs with gaming".

I used to be a PC only gamer and I was impressed with the graphics but it really was a nightmare with the hardware. I don't miss it.
Guardian said:
It makes sense to be honest, for the cost of the hardware anyway. I think consoles will continue to lag behind top-of-the-line PCs. Mainstream PCs they will beat though. Still, I do love my consoles. 
If you build your own $500 Gaming PC,  it would be faster than the Wii, Wii U PS3, and Xbox 360 because now the price of RAM, a Geforce GTX 650, and Intel and AMD CPU are more affordable.


When the PS4, and Xbox One comes out there would be faster PC parts being released during the Holiday shopping season for people to buy, so building a $500 Gaming PC in December 2013 could make it faster than a PS4, and Xbox One. There also maybe some really fast part like a video card and CPU which gets release in the near future which could make cheaper Gaming PCs faster because there are usually cheaper, and slightly slower versions of faster parts to sell to people with less money, but want good performance for less money.

Consoles are convenient, you can keep playing games without buying new parts, but you need to buy a need console to continue playing newer games when the next generation is release, or wait longer for higher quality graphics.

I read Skyrim Lagged on the PS3 according to http://www.inentertainment.co.uk/20111111/skyrim-lag-on-ps3/ when it got released, so sometimes the PC is best for playing some games which are available on PC since if it lags on PC, usually upgrading the Video card, or CPU can make it lag less or not at all if you already have a good PC.