Nvidia Shield Google Android Tablet Handheld priced lowered to $299 before June 27th Release


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Nvidia announced on Thursday that its console is now $50 cheaper at $299 and that it will start shipping on 27 June.



$299 for the Nvidia shield is a pretty good price since it comes with a controller built-in, and the clamshell design which protects the screen is good for protecting the screen when the door is shut. The Shield also has a wired network jack, HDMI, headphone jack, and a battery with long battery life.

It also comes with a Tegra 4  CPU and GPU which is a lot faster than most other tablets out now.
As do I. Maybe, this would be my next tablet, console, and handheld combo after my current tablet breaks, or becomes outdated. I also don't own any handhelds which are modern. My last handheld console I used was a Gameboy Advance.