Obama Disses Video games


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Our beloved leader is on a bit of an anti-video game tear lately. In a Father's Day message to all Americans, President Barack Obama categorized video games as a waste of kids' time. In this Sunday's Parade magazine, Obama wrote:

We need to set limits and expectations. We need to replace that video game with a book and make sure that homework gets done. We need to say to our daughters,

Howard Huge was unavailable for comment. That's not the only Obama vs. video games news I have for you, though. In a speech to the American Medical Association, Obama got down to the nitty-gritty of preventative health care, saying it:

QUOTE "means going for a run or hitting the gym, and raising our children to step away from the video games and spend more time playing outside."

I'm totally in favor of kids both doing homework and playing outside (as long as I don't have to participate in either), but I don't think video games and good grade/health are mutually exclusive. Neither does EA Sports head Peter Moore.

Moore, on EA's website, threw down a challenge to the leader of the free world, posting:

It may be time for the President and his family to put their Wii to good use and fire up the 30-Day Challenge with EA SPORTS Active. This is a “game” even the President may not want to “step away” from.

And adding:

Mr. President, here is my challenge to you: Try EA SPORTS Active and I guarantee you’ll need aides saying “Yes You Can!” to finish your first workout.


oh wow, I hope obama never walks in a video games store. it will take more then the secret service to keep his @$$ safe from all the gamers in the world.
I hate how so many people blame video games for their kids poor preformance, but don't blame their kid's self-control problems instead.