Old Copy Protection

Dark Young Link

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I found out recently that video games had protection against piracy. Some of them were pretty cool and some were pretty lame.


For those to lazy to read it, in Earthbound they add more enemies to make the game less fun and in the final battle, the game freezes and then it erases all of your data.

It even happens in Manic Mansion.


Also Super Mario All Stars has something like that.


I never knew that they did that, but some are pretty funny.
The same thing for SMAS happens for Super Metroid.

I heard that if you illegally use Heart Gold and Soul Silver, all the Pokemon sprites are screwed up and break the game. And in Black, I heard you never get any exp.
The same thing for SMAS happens for Super Metroid.

I heard that if you illegally use Heart Gold and Soul Silver, all the Pokemon sprites are screwed up and break the game. And in Black, I heard you never get any exp.
I think in another Pokemon game your game freezes during a fight, but your Pokeballs continue to spin and it looks silly.
It really can be quite funny the things developers put into games for deployment in the even of these kinds of things.
For instance one example (although it's for using cheat devices, not a copied game), in Persona 3, if you use a cheat device, Fuuka will give you a lecture on not being so lazy. That means that they not only wrote dialogue for that event, they actually recorded voice acting for it.
lets hope developers that are working on games these days won't take any notes from these guys. Btw the Manic Mansion thing didn't look like copy protection, looked more like what some games do where you have an option to say for example "no i don't wanne do the quest" or "i don't wanne take the red pill, I want the blue one" and the game ends..
Well I've never played the game, but apparently the giant steel door isn't meant to be there.