Older Nintendo systems, still own some?


Well-Known Member
Personally I still own both a NES and a SNES, plus a few of the more important games. For the NES, my most prized cartridge is River City Ransom, and for the SNES the Megaman X series. And I'm glad I kept the consoles - when friends come over for a few drinks playing old Nintendo games is always fun.

You, still own some of the old consoles?

I use to have all three, NES, SNES and N64 but now I only have a NES.
I have the SNES and the N64 and I still play them until this day becasue I will tell you that I still have lots of un playing those games like you would never eimagine. Those games are fun and will forever be the best things that have ever happened in my childhood days.
Unloaded them once I realized I could just grab an emulator for them. Naturally, it's not exactly the same sort of nostalgia feeling, but certainly helps save a lot of physical space in the apartment.
Glad you mentioned River City Ransom, what an amazing game. There are spin offs with the same general graphics style that weren't half bad either.

Personally, I loved Kirby Superstar for the SNES. Sold that for quite a few bucks on eBay.
I still have the first Gameboy. My mother found it among her things so she gave it to me.It's so funny I remember having it and thinking it was so awesome. We have come a very long way! 
I've got an SNES, a Game Cube and possibly a Game Boy Advance.
I've also downloaded an SNES emulator to play the games I want but don't have.
So far, I have a couple of Final Fantasy games, Breath of Fire, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound and some Lupin the 3rd Japanese thing.
I still own an NES, SNES, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Advance and an N64. I don't really play them anymore, but they all still work.
I still have the good old NES! I no longer use it though as the controllers no longer work but I still have it in my closet. It holds a lot of my childhood memories. If  I want to play the NES games, I just use an emulator but I'm never letting go of my old NES console.

Oh, and I also still have a couple of functioning Nintendo Game and Watch games. I have Snoopy Tennis and Parachute. They were very addicting back when I was still 4 years old. I miss those times...
I unfortunately don't own any of my older Nintendo systems anymore, unless you count the Wii (hey, it came out nearly ten years ago!). Over the course of my life, I've owned an NES, Gameboy, SNES, N64, Gameboy Color, and OG DS. I've softmodded my Wii to play emulators, but the emulation isn't the same although it's pretty close for the (S)NES, and Gameboy handhelds. I've thought about tracking an N64 down but I don't think I have the time or the money to keep up with a collection. 
I currently own a NES, an N64, a Gamecube, a Gameboy Colour and a Gameboy Advance.

The Gameboy concoles and the GCN I got when I was younger, but the NES and N64 are more recent pickups. (A few years ago for both)
I still own 3 or 4 working Super Nintendos with a bunch of games. Like donkey kong's country, home alone, and just a bunch of different games. I hardly play it much anymore but I still have it! :) 
Wow.. I still have my Nintendo 64 along with the old games like Donkey Kong 64, Pokemon Snap/Stadium, etc., but as for the old Gameboys they were sold off a long time ago. :c I've moved on from game consoles to PC now though sadly.. But I still enjoy the memorable times with my console. 
I have an SNES lying around, haven't tested it in a while but I think the last time I tried, it didn't work.  Any common problems it may have that has an easy fix? Or should I just toss it out?