One Post

Space Core

The Official Unofficial TF2er
You have one post. Every reply to another post must be edited into your post. You may not remove anything you had in your post previously.
(You may not make another post.)
Let's confuse EVERYONE.
This post does count as my post, so i can't really do anything until somebody replies.

Yes, let the confusion ensue.

Trolling is trolling is not fun is trolling is the end.
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confuse ALL the members!
a conversation? okay lets discuss trolling and its many different methods.
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this should be fun

i dotn see how this will work, unless the thread gets bumped every time someone makes an edit, we wont know if people made new posts or not
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Yeah..... what shall we talk about?

Also, if you want to check if anyone's posted more than once:
This shows every member that's posted in this topic, and how many times they've posted. It should all have 1 at the moment.