OnLive Game console


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OnLive, the console-less gaming system goes on sale tomorrow. OnLive will cost you $99 and comes with a $50 credit toward a game purchase. So for that 100 bucks, you get a spiffy-looking controller, a card that plugs into your internet and your TV and a game; while I'm not advocating the purchase of any product here, it does seem like a decent deal. The actual unit won't ship until December 2.

more here

who's getting it?
Either they will be forced to have a limited number of slots or charge a lot of extra fees making it a waste of money to be able to keep up with the demand... Sure, it could be useful since it would probably be a lot cheaper than constantly upgrading your PC to keep up with the evolving game requirements.

Aside from that, it would require a high speed broadband... I would say anything below 4-5Mbps wouldn't be enough (considering how much information that needs to be sent), even that may be too low.
My connection got a unnecessary amount of bandwidth (100Mbps / ~10MB/s) so it would handle this service perfectly fine; but are there enough consumers with sufficient speed to be able to make this business successful?
It looks good for people who travel a lot and have access to high speed internet and TVs like in corporate companies like Google, colleges, dorms, Hotels, resorts, and coffee shops. The console looks pretty small, and portable.

I think if they made a portable version of this like a PSP , DS, or Netbook size portable then people buy this. Playing portable games without the need to carry cartridges at a place with Wi-Fi would be cool.

I'll get it, but I'm pretty broke and jobless now, so I wait for a price drop.