OnTheLam's Friendcode (NA and Japanese 3DS) Pokemon/Code of Princess/Bravely Default/Swapnote


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

Just joined the site and am looking for new friendcodes! Right now I have a NA 3DS but should be getting a Japanese 3DSLL in a couple weeks. Looking for other people who have Bravely Default: Flying Fairy and also looking to get Swapnote stationary. Thanks!

FRIENDCODE: 1461-6501-7158
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So, when you talk about SwapNote stationary, do you mean you need/want more stationary, or want to give it out to people?
Oh Oh! I don't have any stationary right now but I would love some Japanese stationary!!! Can we be fwends~!? I'll try my best to get stationary for youz!!

Fwendcode: 5171-9610-1816
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Oh Oh! I don't have any stationary right now but I would love some Japanese stationary!!! Can we be fwends~!? I'll try my best to get stationary for youz!!

Fwendcode: 5171-9610-1816

Hi Angie! I've added you to my friends list. As soon as I get my Japanese 3DSLL I'll add you on there too. Please send me whatever stationary you have. Thanks!
Oh Oh! I don't have any stationary right now but I would love some Japanese stationary!!! Can we be fwends~!? I'll try my best to get stationary for youz!!

Fwendcode: 5171-9610-1816

Hi Angie! I've added you to my friends list. As soon as I get my Japanese 3DSLL I'll add you on there too. Please send me whatever stationary you have. Thanks!

pls add me too, i also want japanese stationery,

my fc is [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]
Hi Tatoba, what stationary are you missing? I just got pretty much all of them from someone. Latest one I have is the JPN Fire Emblem: Awakening stationary.
i have a couple Swapnote stationary , I have New Super Mario Bros. 2, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Super Mario 3D Land, Nintendo 3D, and Beach.
I would like some Japanese swapnotes, I'm addicted to drawing on Swapnote and always wanting more stationary
My friend code is on the left.
i have a couple Swapnote stationary , I have New Super Mario Bros. 2, Paper Mario Sticker Star, Super Mario 3D Land, Nintendo 3D, and Beach.
I would like some Japanese swapnotes, I'm addicted to drawing on Swapnote and always wanting more stationary
My friend code is on the left.

Added you Fuzzii. I'll send you some of the Japanese ones I have so far.
To everyone looking for swapnote stationary. Please go here: https://picasaweb.go...ntireCollection

Send me a PM with your Friendcode (please add mine seen on the left side under my profile) and the 3 number prefix of the stationary you want. i.e. 001, 002, 003 etc. Thanks!
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hi anyone playing bravely default? my friend code is 4382-2915-6944

what's this stationary talk about? if its not a problem mind sending me these too?