Operation Tomodachi


Space Cowboy
Apparently the US is helping a lot with the crisis in Japan. I'm pleasantly surprised.

(Link removed.)
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Not smart posting that link...just saying. This topic will get locked, or the link will be removed.

as for the topic in general, It's good to see countries helping one another. Japan needs all the help they can get.
Yeah, I don't like that link there.
It's good to see they're accepting a little help, but I think they need to swallow their pride and get all the help they're being offered.
The article in image form. Japan is accepting the help, in what way should they swallow their pride?
From what I understand, they've been offered help from about 60 something different countries. They've accepted... 18?
From what I understand, they've been offered help from about 60 something different countries. They've accepted... 18?

Really? Thats interesting, why wouldn't they? Do they hate foreigner or something?