Opinions on people who complain about paid software...


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I sometimes find people who complain about high software prices could spend their time more complaining about other things which are more over priced and expensive like bottled water, electricity, taxes, gas, internet bill, insurance and banking fees. However, banks, electrical company, and corporations have become so big that complaining about high prices won't make much of a difference in most cases.

For example, 20.00 dollars a year or for life for Anti-virus or other software licenses is like paying 6 cents a day for using an Antivirus for 365 days a year or less if it is a lifetime license.

20 dollars/365days(1 year)=0.054 dollars which equals 5-6 cents a day, but for the 20 dollars you get free phone and e-mail support which is not available for free programs which tells you to go to the forum for support from other free members.
some software is a bit high up there to complain about, but I agree we should be complain about $4 bottle water. and that's just 1 bottle.
Most bottled water is just filtered Tap water. I'm not even sure if they boil the water to get rid of the germs. $4 water is high.