I don't have 7 hours to spare, not through the working weekdays. Full time work plus travelling time to work, plus the time it takes to cook, clean and look after myself... I only end up with about an hour at the end of the night to myself.
This weekend, however, I plan on making time to play it a bit.
Portal 2 was glorious, easily the best game released this year. I would even go as far to say its the funniest game I've played, I don't think I've ever laughed so much from a game before.
Yea that was a sick ending... kind of sad we didn get to play out side the facility. And chapter 7 was too ugly and long, that the story just had you doing tests for different reasons most of the time seemed like a lack of creativity... But still an awesome game! This seemed like it could have been the first part of the series and Portal 1 was more like a prequel. Looking forward to the 3rd one, seems like they will grant me my wish of running around in the open with a portal gun (I hope)
A glorious combination of a humorous story with exciting moments, with gameplay that actually requires you to stop and think for a moment, also allowing you to take in the wonderful atmosphere.
The ending was so creative, something no other game developer could pull off. Valve will forever reign, next to Nintendo, as my favorite game developers.
I loved it so much. I actually did not see GLaDOS's ending speech or whatever it was, but I saw everything else and it was AWESOME. :3 *barely refrains from posting 10,000 Wheatley quotes*