Origin PC drops AMD graphics options due to feedback, support woes


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Not Origin PC, however -- it has had enough trouble with AMD that it's dropping all Radeon GPUs from its lineup. The company tells Engadget that it's responding to "customer experiences," support team demands and problems with both performance and stability.

This decision was based on a combination of many factors including customer experiences, GPU performance/drivers/stability, and requests from our support staff. Based on our 15+ years of experience building and selling award winning high-performance PCs, we strongly feel the best PC gaming experience is on NVIDIA GPUs.
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I prefer Nvidia GPU since I read online from other computer users that the Drivers for Nvidia video cards are more reliable than AMD. I also trust Nvidia more since my Asus Nexus 7 uses the Nvidia Tegra 3, and I used the Nvidia GT 620 on an older computer, and the video card has been working pretty well so far.

I wonder if this news will somehow affect the number of people who buy AMD Radeon Video cards for their PC, and possibly the sales of the PS4 and Xbox One which both use AMD video chips.
I've personally only ever used ATI/AMD graphics cards and I have never had any issues. I have always found them to be well supported and the driver updates are consistent. 
Is it just me or has AMD been losing a lot more ground than usual recently? Maybe no as great as they once were. Personally I am using AMD right now as well but they've been more rare IMO.
I notice I mostly see Nvidia, and Intel integrated CPU on $400 and more expensive computers at stores, but AMD video cards seem more popular with cheaper laptops and desktops in the under $400 pricetag category.

But, I don't know many people who use AMD video cards, and most PC building guides online I read seem to recommend the Nvidia GTX 650-660 for $500+ Gaming PC builds.
I've been noticing that there are only really sales of AMD integrated systems lately, and Nvidia is given almost all GPUs.

It's really quite a conundrum for AMD.

I personally think OriginPC is making a dumb move. Their whole marketing is "custom built", and yet they're dropping a major vendor from all systems. How is that custom at all?