Ouya Android console re-designed controller because of fans' requests


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D-pad: OK, OK we heard you :). We’ve changed our D-pad from a ‘disc’ to a ‘cross’ style. W00t! Gone are the days of the “accidental” diagonal move. Accuracy and precision are back.

Thumbsticks: The Dev console thumbstick top caps needed more grip, so we’ve added a rubberized top. This will give better traction and just feel better than the current design.

Touch Pad: It will be more responsive! The final material will help a lot. PRO TIP: In “Settings”, you can set the cursor speed to the fastest level to make it even more responsive.

Triggers: Take two — these weren’t *there* yet, so we’ve improved the design and mechanics. We heard you want them a little more flush with the body of the controller. So that’s what we’ve done.

Battery Bay: We’ve secured the battery for a snug fit! And the pull tab will be made out of a higher-quality material.

So there you have it. You talk. We listen (some of the time, at least :) and OUYA keeps getting better. Thank you.

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I like the look of the new controller on The Ouya. The black stripe on the center looks pretty cool like a racing stripe on the center of a fast race car. The Directional pad also looks pretty good. This controller kind of reminds me of the Xbox 360 controller.

Great to hear that Ouya listens to fan feedback for how to make their $99 console better before it is release latter on this year.