OUYA Developer Console Unboxing


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We show what's in the box of the dev console, warts and all. If you really want to see OUYA in action, pre-order one at http://www.ouya.tv .

I like how small it is, and the controllers look pretty good, and easy to hold. It also looks pretty easy to setup to a TV.

The clear plastic case on the console and controllers looks cool.

I wonder would someone make a small laptop case for the Ouya to turn it into a portable Ouya laptop to game away from home.
I think the hacking/moding community will be one of the first people to make a portable case to combine a controller, Monitor, and the console in one case, and it might be battery powered as well because the Ouya uses less power then the Wii.

There are some hackers/modders who are able to make a portable game cube handheld console from a full size game cube, and controllers, and the Gamecube is a lot bigger then the Ouya.
