Ouya, Developers Commenting On Game Sales Figures


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If you missed the information, remember that last week Edge interviewed some Ouya developers for information on their video game sales.

Unsurprisingly, it is Towerfall which was the best in finding takers, selling about 2,000 units (for 15 dollars each) since the launch of the console. Its developer Matt Thorson was pleasantly surprised by this score, commenting that it was beyond his expectations for a new game on a new console. Moreover, Towerfall is also expected to be released on PC shortly and there is a free demo available for the Ouya game.

On the other hand, Nimble Quest was purchased 122 times in its first week of marketing, generating 427 dollars. Strangely, its developers commented they are satisfied since porting the Android game to the Ouya was simple and at practically no coat. Red had meanwhile found a little less than 400 takers which is enough to make a profitable game release.

Finally, independent developers seem generally satisfied despite relatively low volumes of sales, although developers Ryan Wiemeyer (Organ Trail) and E McNeill (Bombball) did explain that they were highly disappointed in the sales, especially considering the work put into including a controller support to the games.

Remains to be seen if the players will be satisfied by releases that are obviously rapid portings of Android games to the Ouya.
I think it will take a year to see if Ouya is truly loved or not.